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What to do if you would like your child to have a place at Abbey Hill Primary and Nursery School

Our school follows the Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions Policy. Any parent wishing to apply for a place for their child should contact the school office (on 01623 484512) and arrange a visit to the school.

When will my child start school?

We admit children from the age of 2 to 11.

  • Your child may be entitled to 15 hours free child care a week in our Pre-school if you are receiving benefits. Pre-school take children from the term after their second birthday for five mornings or five afternoons a week. The Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions Team (tel: 0300 500 80 80) will be able to tell you if you qualify for a place. You will need your National Insurance number when you ring. You can also pop into school and speak to Miss Eyre, our pre-school manager, and she will help you to apply for a place.  Children attending pre-school will be given priority for a place in our Nursery.
  • Your child can join our Nursery the term after their third birthday for fifteen hours a week. Nursery (sometimes called F1) is part time, either 5 mornings or 5 afternoons a week. 
  • A place at Abbey Hill Nursery does not guarantee your child a place in Reception. You must apply to Nottinghamshire County Council School Admissions Team for a full time school place. If your child is already in our Nursery the admissions team will write to you and tell you how to apply for a full time school place.
  • Our Publish Admissions Number (PAN) for September 2024 is 30 pupils.
  • If you and your spouse or partner are both working you may be entitled to 30 hours a week free child care. Staff in the school office will help you check if you are entitled to this. If you are successful in getting the 30 hours childcare you must confirm your circumstances every term to keep your child’s place. 
  • Your child will begin full-time school in Reception (sometimes called F2) in the September after their fourth birthday. This means that children born in the summer months will still be very young when they start Reception and in some cases it may be possible to wait until your child is the compulsory school age before they take up a place in Reception. This must be discussed and agreed with the school beforehand.
  • Our secondary feeder school is Outwood Academy Kirkby but you can apply for your child to go to any secondary school of your choice. When your child starts Y6, their last year at primary school, Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions Team will write to you and tell you how to apply for a secondary place. You will find out which school your child has been allocated in March of the following year. 

Details of how to apply for a school place can be found on the links below. Please contact the office if you require further assistance.

Further useful information can be found here: