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At Abbey Hill, we use the SCARF scheme of work for the teaching and learning of PSHE and RSE. Additional materials including detailed progression documents are available to see internally, due to copyright.

The SCARF scheme of work covers all statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, including non-statutory Sex Education. Our PSHE subject leader is responsible for ensuring all staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to deliver PSHE and RSE education confidently. She works closely with teaching staff and key stage leaders, using the SCARF training materials to do this.  

The curriculum comprises six units of work for each year group from Nursery to Year 6 and where necessary we adapt the scheme of work to meet the circumstances of our school.  Lessons build upon pupil’s prior learning and staff have monitored the content to ensure it is relevant and sensitive to the needs of our children.

There is planned progression across the scheme of work and topics are revisited in more detail as the children get older, developing their knowledge and understanding at an age appropriate level.

PHSE and RSE lessons may be taught as a weekly standalone lesson or be linked into a cross curricular theme. Each lesson has clear learning objectives and outcomes. This is supplemented by our Character Curriculum to support the teahcing of our values and expected behaviours at Abbey Hill.