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Safeguarding Curriculum

Safeguarding is rooted atthe heart of all we do at Abbey Hill. Across the curriculum, instruction, information and messaging brings our focus back onto being safe, keeping safe and knowing how to make ourselves safe. 

We have a broad curriculum which includes opportunities to support our pupils understanding with safety and safeguarding. This includes, but is not limited to: 

Our PSHE Curriculum (externally provided by SCARF/CORAM) includes dedicated units on 'Keeping myself safe'.

Our Character Curriculum (which can be viewed below) links to our understanding of how our own behaviours help us and others to be safe.

External Visitors and Partners support pupils' understanding including through visits about Water Safety, Fire Safety, Community Safety and people who keep us safe, including the Police and PCSOs.

Emergency Services visit and work with Year Groups to support and enrich the curriculum including the Fire Service.

Pupils in Upper Key Stage 2 work alongside the Police and PCSOs to access the D.A.R.T and Mini Police programmes.