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School Uniform

Our school uniform colours are blue, black, grey and white.

We expect all children to wear school uniform and encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school.

Uniform with the school logo is sold from the school office but there is no requirement to choose this – it is purely a matter of parental choice. Plain uniform may be bought at most supermarkets and other outlets. The school also has a pre-loved stock of uniform donated by other parents.

School uniform can be bought in the following places:
• at the school office for uniform with school logo
• at any major supermarket for plain uniform
• from the pre-loved uniform store in school. This has been donated as children move to secondary school or grow out of a size. This is of good quality and has been thoroughly cleaned.
• Please ask at the office or contact Sam on 07826 555232 or the office on 016234841512 if you would like to look at the preloved uniform.